The task was to collaboratively develop compelling campaigns with Zespri™ SUNGOLD™ KIWI on TikTok and Instagram to boost brand awareness and audience engagement.
The challenge was to create content that would resonate with the target audience on both platforms, and exceed expected engagement rates and impressions.
Our diverse creative team developed engaging and targeted content. A particular highlight was Louisa Masciullo’s video, which achieved exceptional engagement rates.
The campaign exceeded all expectations, delivering 7.7 million impressions on TikTok, a 10% higher reach than expected, and reaching 900,000 users on Instagram with a 62% hook rate. The cost per follower (CPF) was three times lower than other assets, and the positive feedback demonstrated the strong resonance of the Zespri™ SUNGOLD™ KIWI brand. This effectively demonstrated the power of social media marketing to drive brand awareness and engagement.
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@louisa_masciullo Anzeige | Diese eine Freundin, die zu jeder Sache eine Erklärung hat 😂 Obwohl du einfach nur mal Bock auf eine SunGold™️ Kiwi hast 🥝 @zespri_kiwifruit_dach ♬ Originalton - Louisa
@eisenblutkatharina Mein Jahresvorsatz: Gesünder leben, ganz natürlich! 🌿🥝 Entdeckt mit mir im Video, wie die Zespri™ SunGold™ Kiwi dabei hilft – herrlich süß, saftig und voller Nährstoffe. Ich zeige euch, wie einfach es ist, dieses kleine Kraftpaket in den Alltag zu integrieren. Ein goldener Schritt zu einem gesünderen Ich! #GesundesLeben #zesprisungold #täglichevitamine ♬ Originalton - Katharina Eisenblut